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The Perfect Brioche Donuts Recipe


The Perfect Brioche Donuts Recipe

This recipe for brioche donuts is decadent and a true treat. If you’re looking to flex your brioche-making skills as well as get more comfortable with frying, this is the recipe to take on. You can do any flavor of jam, curd or pastry cream you want to fill, or leave them plain! 

The Perfect Brioche Donuts Recipe

the inspo behind these beauties

Fresh, brioche donuts are heavenly. The first time I had a donut that was yeast-risen was at Leonard’s malasadas in Honolulu, and it was mind-blowing — their’s are a Portuguese donut, and they are simultaneously light and rich — and Leonard’s keeps it simple with only custard, haupia, or chocolate fillings. A few years later, I got to re-create this magical moment of having a perfect yeast-risen donut when  General Porpoise opened in Seattle. General Porpoise sells not-too-sweet, springy, chewy, perfect jelly and cream-filled donuts. (Heads up if you’re in Seattle, they sell out by noontime without fail, so go early!)

Yeast and frying are two of my baking/cooking fears — I always mess up yeasted bread and frying just seems overwhelming. In order to face my fears of yeast and frying, and have brioche doughnuts on-demand, I set out to find a copycat recipe. In an interview with General Porpoise’s owner, Renee Erickson, she said the team styled their donut recipe off of an English-style custard filled donut. This led me down a rabbit hole of English style donuts, and I finally found a recipe for justin gellatly’s custard donuts, which seemed close to what I recall general porpoise’s donuts’ quality to be, and from which this recipe is adapted.


  • °800g flour
  • °2 to 3 eggs
  • °100g sugar
  • °vanilla
  • °1 sachet of briochin yeast (20 g)
  • °100g butter
  • °a pinch of salt
  • °lukewarm milk to dissolve the yeast


  Mix all the ingredients as for bread until a smooth, non-sticky dough forms.

  Make it rise twice while kneading between each rise.

  Roll out the dough, cut donuts with cookie cutters, and leave them on a lightly oiled dish towel or tray.

  Leave to rise away from drafts.

  Heat the oil then reduce the heat so that the inside of the donuts is well cooked.

  Fry, starting with the first shaped donut.

Enjoy !

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