9 Surprising Alternative Uses for Nivea Cream
During the cold months, lips tend to get chapped and cracked. Even the corners of the lips can become chapped. You can use Nivea cream to moisturize them, applying it directly to the lips for 10 to 15 minutes and then removing it with a cloth. Apply for 3 or 4 days.
You can also use Nivea cream to color your cheeks and lips. You can also mix it with blush to make it easier to apply. To make a creamy lipstick, mix half a teaspoon of Nivea cream with the lipstick. To make a creamy blush, however, mix a regular blush with a little cream.
Nivea cream is also an excellent make-up remover. The consistency of the cream helps to “melt” the make-up and allows it to be removed easily. Put a little cream on a make-up remover wipe and apply it to your make-up, you can remove it with a cotton pad.
This excellent cream can also be used as a foundation. It is very useful for softening the surface of the skin, covering blackheads and making it easier to apply makeup.
Nivea cream can replace the cream you usually use for your eyes. Mix Nivea cream with the contents of a vitamin E capsule or with almond oil and apply directly under the eyes.
Another effective use of Nivea cream is as an alternative to shaving foam. Mix Nivea cream with baby oil and then apply to the areas you want to shave. This method prevents cuts and softens the skin.
The area around your nails can become very dry and uncomfortable if your cuticles are damaged. Apply Nivea cream directly to your cuticles before going to bed to prevent your cuticles from drying out and becoming sore.
Although Nivea cream is designed for the skin, it can also be applied to the hair. By applying a small amount of cream to the hair, it is possible to control the phenomenon of “baby hair”, i.e. small hairs that grow near the forehead.