Marinated Cheese Plate
- Place cream cheese in freezer while you prep other ingredients. It will slice best when cold!
- In a small bowl, combine oil, vinegar, red pepper, green onions, garlic, sugar, oregano, salt, and pepper. Whisk mixture until fully blended.
- Slice cheddar and mozzarella cheese into small squares about a ¼ inch thick. Remove cream cheese from freezer and slice into similar sized squares.
- In a 11×7-inch baking dish, line up cheese slices alternating the mozzarella with the cheddar and cream cheese until the dish is full.
- Whisk the marinade again if need be, then pour it over the cheese.
- Cover the dish tightly with plastic wrap and place in the fridge to marinate for 5 hours or up to overnight.
- Serve with crackers, pretzels, or toasted bread.
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