The “effortless” way to clean your oven
The oven can be easily cleaned using natural products that we usually have at home, such as fine salt.
To do this, pour the appropriate amount of salt into the oven and turn it on to approximately 180°C. The same heat from the oven cooks the salt, which directly dissolves the stuck-on fat.
After 30 minutes, we turn off the oven. When we open the door, we have to pay attention to the steam that is starting to escape. When we notice that we can start cleaning, we put on gloves and use a cloth to remove the salt. We will quickly notice how easily the grease accumulated on the walls of the oven comes out.
Salt is also an excellent abrasive for removing grease stuck to your oven lid.
Clean the oven with lemon
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This is one of the most effective natural ways to clean the oven from accumulated grease.
Then, simply preheat the oven to maximum temperature for about 15 minutes. Put the juice in a container and put it in the oven for about 30 minutes. After that time, remove the dish from the oven and wipe it with a damp cloth.
We will notice the difference when cleaning our oven, because the natural degreasing power of lemon juice allows us to remove any stuck-on fats much more easily and thoroughly. The same steam produced leaves an impeccable result.