15 heads of garlic
15 lemons
500g each of ground walnuts and hazelnuts
500g each of dried figs and plums (prunes)
500g each of white and red grape raisins
500g organic wheat
1kg homemade honey
Wheat Prep: Start by soaking the wheat overnight. Rinse well and blend into a paste.
Fruit and Lemon Prep: Juice 10 lemons. Grind the remaining 5 (including their peel). Chop the figs and plums.
Combine: In a large bowl, mix all ingredients, adding the garlic last, until you achieve a dough-like consistency.
Store: Keep the mixture in a cool, dry place or refrigerated, where it can last up to a month.
A Word of Caution
While I share this recipe with optimism, it’s crucial to approach any alternative treatment with both understanding and caution, especially when it comes to serious health issues. Complementing conventional treatments with natural remedies is a path many find beneficial, yet it’s essential to do so under the guidance of healthcare professionals.
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