Why Some People Store Toilet Paper in the Fridge

While this hack may be useful in certain scenarios, it’s not necessarily the most economical. A box of baking soda is inexpensive and lasts longer compared to toilet paper, which requires frequent replacement. Therefore, from a cost standpoint, baking soda is a more viable long-term solution.

Tips for Refrigerating Toilet Paper
If you’re inclined to try this hack, here are some tips to optimize its effectiveness:

Use a new roll and replace it every three weeks.
Keep it away from potential leaks in the fridge to avoid messes.
Store the roll discreetly at the back of the fridge.
Properly dispose of the roll after its stint in the refrigerator to prevent bad odors in the bathroom.
Alternative Fridge Deodorizing Methods
Besides refrigerated toilet paper, there are other ways to keep your fridge smelling fresh:

Baking Soda: A classic and effective solution for absorbing and neutralizing odors.

Black Cumin Seed Oil: Mixed with dish soap, it can deodorize a section of your fridge.

Activated Charcoal: Available in various forms, it’s excellent for absorbing moisture and odors.

Vanilla Extract: A cotton ball soaked in vanilla extract can impart a pleasant fragrance.


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